Ever noticed that people enter a pool in different ways?
Some will put their toe in the water and slowly wade in while doing those abdominal exercises of sucking their stomachs in because of the cool water. The elegant will do a swan dive, leaving no splash upon their entry.
Then there are those who will do a cannon ball, figuring if I am going to get wet, everybody else should feel the splash.
In a strange way, this relates to our career opportunities.
What do we get out of the adventure we call our careers? Yes, we get paid! But what else? Surely, we should want more! What about personal acknowledgement and recognition; gratitude; ongoing professional development; mentoring; career progression; increasing responsibility; contribution to a social cause? All of the above!
For us to experience genuine reward…and to continually improve, grow and exceed, we have to decide if we are going to be committed to our careers, or just be involved in them.
So how do you enter the metaphorical pool at work? Those who just put a toe in the water and feel its temperature are merely getting involved.
If the water is too cold, you can go sit in the sun.
But if you jump in the water, once launched, you are committed. There is no turning back. You are going to get wet.
Here are 10 attributes of someone who is committed to their own career:
1. Know who they are, what they believe and where they are going.
2. Bring their best self to work, even when they don’t feel like it.
3. Do what they say they are going to do.
4. Can’t help telling people about what you do, who you do it with, and why you do it.
5. Actively seeks leadership and responsibility.
6. Idea generators!
7. See failure as a learning opportunity, not a reason to give up.
8. Accept accountability as a gift.
9. Do ’10+1′ – don’ t forget that being ‘extraordinary’ requires that little bit ‘extra’!
10. Acknowledge others for their commitment.
So I have to ask…
Are you committed to your clients…or just involved?
Are you committed to the meetings you attend…or just involved?
Are you committed to promoting your brand in the local community…or just involved?
Are you committed to giving back to the community in which you live and work…or just involved?
Are you committed to the company you work for…or just involved?
Want more return on your huge investment at work?
My suggestion – cannonball into the “pool” and make the biggest splash possible. Drench everyone with your enthusiasm and commitment. And most of all, give yourself the best opportunity to be rewarded for the all the hard