“90% of what makes you an effective leader are the attributes beneath the surface”

Iceberg Leadership® Masterclass Series

The Iceberg Leadership Masterclass Series is a personal leadership and team development program, that offers a tailored experience for people from all industries, trades, sectors, and careers. The team at the Iceberg Leadership Institute are passionate about the personal, professional, and commercial development of individuals and organisations through the power of effective leadership. We are committed to helping people form life-changing habits that enable them to create lasting influence in the world around them.

28 Interactive Modules;
4 Levels of Mastery.

30 day, 6-month and 1 year
Formats tailored to suit

Fly-in residential programs and weekend masterclasses available for accelerated learning

Level 1

Discovering Leadership

This Introductory Workshop will equip you to:

  • Purposefully define leadership and contrast it with management;
  • Understand and apply the Iceberg Leadership concept and it’s 12 “unseen” attributes;
  • Build a case for effective leadership at work, home and in community life;
  • Outline the laws, principles, models and measures of different leadership styles;
  • Be wary of the darkside of toxic leadership expression; and
  • Build pathways for further leadership development.

Level 2

Self Leadership

This Intermediate Workshop will equip you to:

  • Understand your own leadership predispositions;
  • Create person mission and vision strategies for home, work and community life;
  • Establish effective models for prioritisation and time management;
  • Build multi-dimensional resilience in all areas of your life;
  • Deal with the matters of the heart than can sometimes sabotage our progress; and
  • Form sustainable habits that facilitate effective outcomes.

    Level 3

    Team Leadership

    This Intermediate Workshop will equip you to:

    • Communicate and connect better with others;
    • Facilitate the journey from recruitment through to retirement;
    • Optimise behavioural congruency of individuals;
    • Navigate the life-cycle of a team under development;
    • Create cultures of empowerment and accountability; and
    • Foster incorruptible loyalty for growth.

      Level 4

      Organisational Leadership

      This Advanced Workshop will equip you to:

      • Put strategic framework around your ideas and objectives;
      • Build collaborative team structure and processes;
      • Reconcile sales and marketing with authentic leadership;
      • Faciliate effective conflict resolution and crisis management;
      • Improve the power of your verbal and written presentations; and
      • Prepare you for the seasons of leadership that follow.

        There is no prerequisite to complete each level sequentially, although this is recommended.

        Modified workshops and keynote presentations can be tailored on request
