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Written by Jason T. Smith

February 29, 2016

This week we host our annual Directors’ Conference in South Australia at which we will launch our theme for 2016 – Wellbeing.

Why pick a theme as obvious and seemingly predictable as Wellbeing? It’s a fair question.

Wellbeing is often the word used to describe holistic health. That is, it’s in the state of wellness whereby people feel happy, healthy and productive in a bio-psycho-social context. Within Back In Motion, we regard wellness as one’s ability to live at their physical best.

It’s more than just being pain- or symptom-free…it’s about optimal lifelong physical health.

At Back In Motion you know we think differently to most physios in this way. We are not satisfied just to treat injuries and help people recover from pain…we want to give them Results4Life! We want to empower our clients in true wellness. For this reason, it makes sense we devote 2016 to reinforcing our values and commitment to this endeavour.

However, there is an often less considered part of true wellness. That is, how well are we as professionals? Are we living at our physical and emotional best? Are our relationships vibrant and supportive? Do we feel fulfilled and valued in the work we do? Are we sufficiently challenged and motivated? Is there appropriate balance between home, work and community life?

My firm realisation is that we cannot DO well in the workplace unless we can first BE well in ourselves.

With this in mind, 2016 also marks a year of introspection, personal development and self-care. To give the best to others, we must be at our best. To make others well, we need to be well.

As members of the allied health industry we must be living as exemplars to our client community of what true health is all about.

So I ask the question – “What can we do in 2016 to BE better?”

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